Activate the power, passion and purpose of your heart and soul.


I greet you in this special moment on your life path.

You are welcome here!


Your soul lives in the dimension of limitless possibilities for creation.

Soul Mastery is the gateway to experience your multidimensional self in all its abundance, joy and resources for a heart and soul guided, fulfilled life.

  • Imagine having infinite Love, support, wisdom and clarity of purpose.

  • Imagine knowing why your soul chose to come to earth and how it is meant to bring its Light.

  • Imagine feeling seen and understood; that there truly is a special place for your soul and its unique gifts and strengths.

  • Imagine having what you need to handle all that the transformational process of life is dishing out in today’s world.

Your desire to know more, be more, and contribute more, brings you to this moment in time and place where I acknowledge you for both your soul gifts and life challenges.


You are now stepping into the portal that will allow you to be the
sovereign authority of your magnificent life!


A Soul Mastery session is designed to bring you connection to, and embodiment of, your soul gifts, strengths and purposes. It helps you resource your inherent abundance of spirit, which naturally clears the challenges that have dampened your life’s fulfillment.

You deserve to shine from an expansive place – living from the heart of universal abundance. Your natural and inherent spiritual wealth is designed to flourish.

My soul purpose, in co-creation with my beloved guidance collective, is to inspire, uplift, and activate the power, passion and purpose of your heart and soul.

I am here to guide you through the miracle field of manifestation and creation, fully in sync with the rhythms of the universe.

For the past 30 years, I’ve worked with people from every walk of life, in every part of our remarkable world. I have witnessed countless miracles occur that many thought would never be possible.

My clients, who represent a mosaic of backgrounds and stories, share a common quest to invest in self-discovery and growth on an emotional, spiritual and physical level.

I offer individual sessions, collective sacred circles, immersive workshops and retreat adventures to ignite infinite possibilities and prosperity for all facets of your life.


May you feel at home on earth in your multidimensional nature.

May you feel guided by your heart and soul into a life of
spiritual and embodied wholeness of purpose.

Manifest the bridge between the riches of your soul and your world

Live from your core purpose and true heart

Access your inner guidance and resources

Identify and clear long-held physical and emotional limitations

Go beyond clearing, processing and healing to a life that is created from your soul’s abundance, consciously designed by YOU

Ignite your unique soul purpose ebook

Sign Up For Your Free Gifts

  1. E-GUIDE: Ignite Your Unique Soul Purpose and Live Life on ALL Cylinders!
  3. BONUS MP3: Practical Magic: Four Proven Ways to Spark (or Accelerate or Boost or Step Up) Your Intuitive Superpower
Susann Taylor Shier Soul Mastery YouTube Channel

To discover more ways to be guided
by your heart & soul go to
Susann’s Soul Mastery YouTube Channel!


I am happy to announce a brand new offering…

Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Sessions

This is your chance to go to the core with any particular pattern or issue that is chronic or repetitive and transform it at a soul level.

It’s your time to…

  • Heal your body to liberate your spirit
  • Receive what you need to get to the root cause – at a soul, energetic and emotional level – to resolve all of your health challenges
  • Discover how to access your own intuitive wisdom to know how to release and shift what is stuck in your body
  • Bring in the soul resources you need to replace those patterns with energy, health and wellbeing to ignite your purpose and path with great inspiration and momentum
  • Using intuition as your superpower, discern for yourself how to work with your physical needs for well-being on all levels

Medical Intuitive Session FULL SIZE
Intuitive Magic Cover FINAL - 333x500

Intuitive Magic:
Practical Guidance
to Awaken Your Soul’s Gifts

Susann’s New E-book

Available Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Upcoming Events

Praise for Susann

  • Susann Taylor Shier is my hero, she is knowledgeable, absolutely gifted, the real deal, very supportive, and has literally changed my life in such an incredibly positive powerful way!! I KNOW you will get results with whatever you are searching for. 

    Sue London
  • Susann is amazing!! I was introduced to her approx 3 yrs ago…..she was being interviewed by someone and I contacted her afterwards to have an Akashic Records Reading done. All of this felt somewhat new to me at the time and when she told me I was Hadarian and I read her book….my life here finally made sense to me and I understood myself in such a new way. There really are no words to accurately describe the way that it changed my life ….but I am sure anyone reading this will know exactly what I am referring to. Not long after this I was able to join her in one of her in person retreats and it was ABSOLUTELY MAGICAL ….. the women who attend her retreats are so LOVELY, I had never experienced anything like it! I had a one on one session with Susann Taylor Shier while I was there and she led me in a journey where I returned to Hadar, even as I type this tears fill my eyes because of the remembering that it awoke within me and how it continues to nourish my soul. This book touched me in a remarkable way and I have been so nourished by ALL the ways that Susann supports us in our remembering our true nature. Oodles of LOVE

    Helen, Canada
  • If you want to heal the deep seated issues you’ve been grappling with for so long, Susann is the teacher for you. Susann can help you transform the challenges you thought were insurmountable. With Susann, no topic is unworthy, no topic is to be ashamed of. Her generous, pure, vibrant energy will help you find the answers you’ve been looking for all your life. She will help you come back to yourself,  to your life, to your aliveness and to the healthy,  loving version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be. I am so grateful for this beautiful woman. Thank you, thank you, thank you Susann for showing me the way home.

    Lani H.
  • “Susann has helped me profoundly heal myself too many times to count. Her ability to “see” what’s affecting my physical and emotional health is unlike anyone I’ve ever worked with. I’ve worked specifically with Susann for over 25 years and she is always the person I call when I need help. She has guided me thru pivotal business decisions, relationship snafus, and most recently thru a near fatal health challenge. She isn’t healing me, I’m healing me, but her inner knowing, her strength, guidance and support has and continues to uplift me when the world is too much. She knows how to direct me back to myself without judgement, just with high level skill. I have done A-LOT of work in the healing world for over 4 decades and the truth is there is no one comparable. Her ability to “see” the deepest part of me and direct me there continues to astound me. Knowing I have such a kind, thoughtful, exceptional healing person in my life who offers the unmatched support keeps me going and thriving.” ~ JFD

  • You are an amazing being of light. You’ve truly helped me unlock my greatest potential. Something tells me we’ve been doing this for lifetimes. Ain’t no stopping me now.

    Angela A.
  • I finally feel seen, understood and heard! This call brought forth more than I ever knew I needed or wanted to understand. It was like a homecoming in so many ways.

  • I do a meditation every day and consciously bring in my multi-dimensional self as you taught me. I can now go in public or even deal with what I call “energy vampires” without any trouble. I am so grateful to you! Much thanks and blessings.

  • Last July, my body was completely overwhelmed by a mysterious illness. My personal history was free of illness, so it was all a huge shock. I contacted Susann and we had a session. and the next day, I woke to find myself energetic, clear-minded, and much more hopeful. I was myself again, even strong enough to be a bit grumpy, after having lost all my strength and my hope.

  • Who would’ve guessed that someone as kind and lighthearted as Susann had the ability to release the entities that had me feeling tortured nonstop for the past five years. She did it. She is an earth angel powerhouse and me and my family are eternally grateful.

  • I had worked every angle possible, I thought, around the sexual abuse in my childhood. I was ready to consider that I would never feel at home in my own skin. A friend introduced me to Susann, and in a very short time, I actually felt joy in my heart for the first time, and I am available to intimate relationships in a way that I never imagined possible.

  • Susann, since our recent work together, I received three phone calls and I have three clients this week after a long dry spell. I am open to more! Thank you for the support and encouragement.

  • I am still on Cloud 9! It was such a revelation what you told me – I now sleep really well in total trust of my Divine Infinite Love. This morning I felt so light, so full of life and so ready to go out to the world. Thanks to your amazing gift I can see everything more clearly.

  • I want to recommend Susann and her sessions including Akashic Record readings. Everybody who decides to take such services expects two things: accurate information and life improvement. She delivers both in just one session. I felt a huge improvement and a much better understanding of my own life after doing a soul clearing with her. Thank you, Susann!

  • In just one session you gave us our marriage back. It was definitely on the brink…Priceless! We are forever grateful.

    Charlene & Kevin
  • What an amazing shift happened from our call! Twenty minutes later I got a call for an interview from the job I wanted and it feels so right! I will continue to work with the qualities of Spirit that we brought in! Thank you so much Susann for igniting my life movement.

  • Susann’s amazing abilities literally removed a lifelong painful obstruction from my heart and she stopped the intermittent constricting pain I’ve had in my chest since I was a kid, which doctors couldn’t identify or heal. Sessions with Susann are more than they appear.

  • Susann was so affirming of things I have been feeling and thoughts I have myself. It was like a weight lifted to know these ideas are held by others and are their truths as well. Very empowering especially today when my heart was so heavy. Thank You, Thank You.

  • I had been very ill and frustrated since the beginning of the year. It was very healing for me to have someone to talk to who truly understood my soul frustration and confusion. Susann actively and compassionately listened and then actually made sense of my journey here – from my soul’s perspective. I am gaining my health back and my confusion and frustration is pretty much gone. I’d say that the reading you gave me was the beginning of my physical turn around. Thank you!

  • Susann’s work has given me such incredible insight and understanding of where I truly come from and what my soul purpose is, unlike any other work I have done over the past 10 years. It is both fascinating and liberating, and cannot wait to explore more of her work. Talk about coming home!

    Jo Muir
  • Understanding your soul’s purpose and identity gives an instant awareness of the “why” in the choices and events in your life. Working with Susann and her trainings gives instant recognition in an amazing wave of remembrance. Suddenly it all makes sense. You then move forward in your life with a wonderful sense of purpose, completeness, peace and joy.
